Jelentkezés: CSAK július 10-én kedden 12.00–22.00 Hollóstetői Kemping Versenyközpontban. Kérünk minden klubot, hogy legalább egy fő jelentkezzen le ezen a napon! Nevezésmódosításokat és új nevezéseket csak a rajtlista adta kereten belül tudunk elfogadni!


                Helyszíni nevezés költségei:                8800 Ft/4 nap F/N 10,12,14, Nyílt: 4400 Ft/4 nap

                                                                                                Napi nevezések: 2200 Ft/nap

                                                                                                F/N 10,12,14, Nyílt: 1500 Ft/nap


                Sportident (SI dugóka) díja: 200 Ft/fő/nap egységesen, melyet a nevezéskor kell befizetni.


                Versenyközpont nyitva tartása: 7.10. 12.00–22.00. versenynapokon a célban a versenyek ideje alatt.


                Szálláshelyek: A szállásokat a többség magánúton intézte, aki a Hollóstetői Kempingbe ill. a bükkszentkereszti ifjúsági táborba kért faházat, azoknak már visszajeleztük a beosztást. Jelentkezéskor természetesen mindenkit tájékoztatunk a szobaelosztásról. Akik előre fizették a szállásdíjat, azok befizetéseit továbbítottuk a szálláshelyekre. Akik nem előre fizették, azok a szállás elfoglalásakor kell, hogy ezt megtegyék. A Hollóstetői Kempingben Varga Józsefnél Tel.: 46/390-183, a bükkszentkereszti ifjúsági táborban Matiszcsák Lászlónál Tel.: 46/390-204


                Edzés terepbemutató: A terepbemutató és edző térképeket jelentkezéskor a versenyközpontban, versenynapokon a célsátorban lehet megvásárolni 50 Ft/db áron.


                Versenyhelyszínek: Az 1–2. napi cél a Hollóstetői Kempingtől Eger felé vezető úton 2 km-re található. A 3–4. napi cél Bükkszentkereszten lesz, a temetővel szemközti parkoló alatt, mely a Hollóstetői Kempingtől 3,5 km-re található (lásd: programfüzet térképvázlatán).


                Parkolás: Jelentkezéskor a Hollóstetői Kemping szűk befogadóképessége miatt inkább a turistaház parkolóját használják. 1–2. napon a céllal szemben a réten parkolhatnak a személyautók. A buszparkoló 1 km-re tovább a Rejteki ház előtt lesz kijelölve. Akik a Hollóstetői Kempingben vannak elszállásolva, gyalogosan közelítsék meg a célt (2 km). 3–4. napi céltól 300 m-re lesz a parkoló, Bükkszentkereszt falu elején ill. a temető alatti részen. A parkolásért díjat szedünk, melynek díja 200 Ft/nap/autó, a buszok parkolása ingyenes!!


                Helyi szállítás: Résztvevő klubok buszainak bevonásával, helyi szállítást korlátozott számban az előre jelentkezők részére segítünk szervezni. A helyközi járatok menetrendje a következő:

                Miskolc – Bükkszentkerest

06,25 08,30 10,30 11,30 13,00 14,05 14,30 15,30 16,20 17,00 18,00 19,25 22,40

                Bükkszentkereszt – Miskolc

04,51 05,30 06,11 06,25 08,11 10,30 12,40 15,00 16,00 17,00 18,00 20,56


                „0” idők:                07.11.                14.00 Cél – Rajt      S11                300/0 m                S12                1760/70 m

                                07.12.                15.00 Cél – Rajt      S21                760/20 m                S22                1470/30 m

                                07.13.                8.00 Cél – Rajt      S31                1600/130 m             S32                2530/115 m

                                07.14.                9.00 Cél – Rajt      S41                1520/85 m             S42                1960/115 m

                Rajtszám: A jelentkezéskor kapott rajtszámot valamennyi versenynapon jól láthatóan viselni kell!


                Eltévedt versenyzők: Minden eltévedt versenyző jelentkezzen a célban, a cél értesíthető 30/9777-646 telefonon, mely telefonszám a rajtszámon is megtalálható.


                Öltözködés: A célban elhelyezett öltözősátrakban. Tisztálkodási lehetőség 1–2. napi célban lajtoskocsiból, 3–4. napi cél melletti artézi kutaknál lehetséges.


                Frissítő: Minden célba érkezett versenyző frissítőt kap.


                Gyermekverseny: Minden versenynapon a cél közelében gyermekversenyt rendezünk, mely ingyenes és a napi „0” idők után 1 órával kezdődnek, jelentkezni a cél sátornál lehet.


                Óvoda: Valamennyi versenynapon a célban óvoda működik, az éppen versenyző szülők gyermekeinek felügyeletére. Nyitva tartás a verseny teljes ideje alatt.


                Orvos: A célban versenyorvost biztosítunk.


                Terepek: Tipikus középhegységi terepek, markáns részletgazdag domborzattal, többnyire szálerdőkkel, közepes úthálózattal. Helyenként köves sziklás részekkel.


                Térkép: 1. és 4. nap 2000/2001-ben IOF norma szerint helyesbített 1:15 000 méretarányú 5 m-es alapszintközzel. F/N 10,12,40-70 valamint Nyílt kategóriában 1:10 000. 2. és 3. nap 2000/2001-ben IOF norma szerint helyesbített 1:10 000 méretarányú 5 m-es alapszintközzel. A pontmegnevezéseket a térképen adjuk meg.


                Díjazás: A négy versenynap összetett eredménye alapján az 1–3. helyezettek érem- és tiszteletdíjazásban részesülnek.


                Étkezés: A célban mindennap jól felszerelt büfé működik.


                Egyéb étkezési lehetőségek:

                                - Hollóstető Kempingben kisbolt működik, ill. a vezetőjével előzetes egyeztetés alapján meleg étel is                                             rendelhető. Varga József 46/390-183

                                - Hollóstető Fogadó 46/390-163, Turistaház 46/712-003

                                - Bükkszentkerszt ifjúsági tábor, a táborvezetővel előzetesen napi háromszori étkezés rendelhető 46/390-204

                                - Bükkszentkerszt Gabona Hotel 46/390-115

                                - Bükkszentkereszt Privát Fogadó 46/390-370

                                - Bükkszentkereszt Borostyán vendéglő 46/390-143


                A verseny helyszínein bármilyen kereskedelmi tevékenység csak a rendezőség engedélyével lehetséges



Kategória                1. nap                2. nap                3. nap                4. nap

                Rajt                Hossz                szint                pont                Rajt                hossz                szint                pont                Rajt                hossz                szint                pont                Rajt                hossz                szint                pont

F/M 10 C                 S11                2.03 km                140 m                8                S21                2.19 km                90 m                8                S31                1.9 km                65 m                6                S41                2.5 km                80 m                6

F/M 12 C                 S11                2.40 km                 140 m                9                S21                2.88 km                75 m                10                S31                2.0 km                75 m                6                S41                2.5 km                80 m                5

F/M 14 C                 S11                3.07 km                 140 m                9                S21                3.18 km                80 m                8                S31                2.4 km                75 m                6                S41                3.1 km                100 m                6

F/M 14 B                S12                3.68 km                 155 m                9                S22                2.65 km                80 m                7                S31                2.6 km                95 m                7                S42                3.6 km                130 m                8

F/M 16 C                S11                4.92 km                 255 m                11                S21                3.14 km                90 m                10                S31                2.8 km                80 m                6                S41                4.8 km                240 m                8

F/M 16 B                S12                4.70 km                 210 m                10                S22                3.28 km                130 m                11                S31                3.1 km                120 m                8                S42                4.4 km                145 m                8

F/M 18 B                S12                5.28 km                 245 m                15                S22                2.95 km                130 m                10                S32                4.0 km                140 m                9                S42                5.2 km                225 m                8

F/M 18 A                 S12                6.30 km                 230 m                14                S22                4.40 km                175 m                16                S32                4.3 km                165 m                9                S42                5.8 km                215 m                13

F/M 20 A                S12                8.42 km                 350 m                19                S22                4.50 km                190 m                15                S32                4.4 km                180 m                10                S42                8.0 km                265 m                18

F/M 21 C                S11                6.67 km                 340 m                13                S21                3.10 km                75 m                10                S31                3.0 km                90 m                8                S41                6.5 km                295 m                12

F/M 21 B1                S12                6.76 km                 315 m                12                S22                3.70 km                165 m                12                S32                4.4 km                160 m                9                S42                7.0 km                260 m                14

F/M 21 B2                S12                6.68 km                 350 m                13                S22                3.50 km                140 m                13                S32                4.4 km                160 m                9                S42                7.0 km                260 m                14

F/M 21 BR1                S12                5.10 km                 230 m                11                S22                3.19 km                120 m                12                S32                3.9 km                140 m                8                S42                5.0 km                145 m                10

F/M 21 BR2                S12                5.13 km                 200 m                12                S22                3.42 km                125 m                12                S32                4.0 km                150 m                8                S42                5.0 km                60 m                11

F/M 21 A                S12                9.55 km                 385 m                20                S22                5.47 km                200 m                19                S32                4.6 km                180 m                11                S42                10.5 km                405 m                24

F/M 35 A                S12                8.42 km                 350 m                19                S22                4.50 km                190 m                15                S32                4.4 km                180 m                10                S42                8.0 km                265 m                18

F/M 40   S12                5.97 km                 255 m                15                S22                3.55 km                135 m                15                S32                3.9 km                140 m                9                S42                6.0 km                300 m                16

F/M 45   S12                6.03 km                 230 m                13                S22                4.12 km                170 m                13                S32                3.8 km                145 m                8                S42                5.5 km                230 m                11

F/M 50   S11                4.48 km                 165 m                14                S21                3.40 km                150 m                10                S31                3.4 km                110 m                9                S42                5.1 km                165 m                10

F/M 55   S11                4.36 km                 205 m                14                S21                2.90 km                120 m                11                S31                3.3 km                125 m                9                S42                5.0 km                165 m                8

F/M 60   S11                3.79 km                 175 m                9                S21                2.50 km                110 m                11                S31                2.7 km                100 m                8                S42                3.4 km                145 m                7

F/M 65   S11                3.60 km                 160 m                10                S21                3.10 km                120 m                8                S31                2.5 km                110 m                7                S41                3,3 km                105 m                7

F/M 70   S11                3.48 km                 170 m                10                S21                2.50 km                110 m                11                S31                2.6 km                95 m                8                S41                3.0 km                65 m                7


N/W 10 C                S11                2.03 km                140 m                8                S21                2.19 km                90 m                8                S31                1.9 km                65 m                6                S41                2.5 km                80 m                6

N/W 12 C                S11                2 .54 km                145 m                9                S21                2.72 km                75 m                9                S31                2.0 km                75 m                6                S41                2.8 km                80 m                6

N/W 14 B                S12                3.63 km                170 m                10                S22                2.70 km                110 m                9                S31                2.4 km                90 m                7                S41                3.3 km                105 m                7

N/W 16 B                S12                3.80 km                155 m                10                S22                2.60 km                115 m                10                S31                2.6 km                90 m                8                S42                3.7 km                165 m                8

N/W 16 C                S11                3.07 km                140 m                9                S21                3.18 km                80 m                8                S31                2.3 km                75 m                6                S41                3.1 km                100 m                6

N/W 18 B                S12                4.10 km                160 m                9                S22                3.26 km                85 m                7                S31                2.6 km                90 m                7                S42                4.0 km                125 m                8

N/W 18 A                S12                4.79 km                210 m                10                S22                3.38 km                155 m                10                S32                3.5 km                120 m                7                S42                4.8 km                210 m                9

N/W 20 A                S12                5.97 km                255 m                15                S22                3.55 km                135 m                15                S32                3.9 km                140 m                9                S42                6.0 km                300 m                16

N/W 21 C                S11                4.92 km                255 m                11                S21                3.14 km                90 m                10                S31                2.8 km                80 m                6                S41                4.8 km                240 m                8

N/W 21 B                S12                5.14 km                220 m                10                S22                3.40 km                140 m                12                S32                3.7 km                140 m                8                S42                5.4 km                205 m                11

N/W 21 BR                S12                4.34 km                220 m                13                S22                3.41 km                150 m                11                S32                3.1 km                120 m                8                S42                4,5 km                145 m                12

N/W 21 A                S12                6.03 km                250 m                15                S22                3.78 km                130 m                15                S32                3.9 km                155 m                9                S42                6.9 km                290 m                16

N/W 35 A                S12                5.28 km                245 m                15                S22                2.95 km                130 m                10                S32                3.9 km                140 m                9                S42                5.2 km                225 m                8

N/W 40  S12                4.34 km                220 m                13                S22                5.14 km                220 m                10                S32                3.4 km                150 m                11                S42                4,5 km                145 m                12

N/W 45  S12                4.00 km                155 m                10                S22                2.60 km                115 m                10                S31                2.6 km                110 m                8                S42                3.6 km                165 m                9

N/W 50  S11                3.79 km                 175 m                9                S21                2.50 km                110 m                11                S31                2.7 km                100 m                8                S42                3.4 km                145 m                7

N/W 55  S11                3.60 km                 160 m                10                S21                3.10 km                120 m                8                S31                2.5 km                110 m                7                S41                3,3 km                105 m                7

N/W 60  S11                3.48 km                 170 m                10                S21                2.50 km                110 m                11                S31                2.6 km                95 m                8                S41                3.0 km                65 m                7

N/W 65  S11                3.48 km                 170 m                10                S21                2.50 km                110 m                11                S31                2.6 km                95 m                8                S41                3.0 km                65 m                7


beginer   S11                2.54 km                 145 m                9                S21                2.72 km                75 m                9                S31                2.0 km                75 m                6                S41                2,8 km                80 m                6


techn.     S11                4.36 km                 205 m                14                S21                2.90 km                120 m                11                S31                3.3 km                125 m                9                S42                5.0 km                165 m                8





                You have just arrived at a competition where all participants of the Hungaria Cup International Orienteering Event are greeted by the clear air rich in ozone and by the wonderful natural landscape.


                It has the climate of the mountains, which makes the searing heat of the summer bearable, while the cold land covered by snow in winter is softened by the glittering sunshine, the greyish blue crown of the beeches and by the spoor of game.


                The plateau of the Bükk above 600 meters, Hungary’s unique mountain environment, the calcars, the charcoal-burners and the wide and coherent forests, the peaks, the small caves, the swales, the fountains, the special fauna and flora and our village, Bükkszentkereszt welcome and greet You.


                We believe, that the greatest value of today is the untouched nature, and we also know that it is sportsmen who most need the clean air rich in oxygen, and the healthy environment, what is waiting here for our guests.


                Please make yourself at home in our continuously changing, developing and hospitable village and in its environment even for a couple of days.


                While you are competing, take notice of what I have written, and also of us, have a good time at us and be your participation successful.


                I wish you to find your pleasure and health in your sports-career.



                                                                                                                Rezső Halász

                Mayor of Bükkszentkereszt

Patrons of the 26th Hungaria Cup




Main Patrons

Rezső Halász

Mayor of Bükkszentkereszt


Dr. Imre Nagy

Mayor of Ege



Ernő Vasas

Leader of Répáshuta Forestry


Organising Committee

Leader: Attila Blézer



                Tracks:                Controll Commission:

                1st day Imre Veres                             Dénes Pelyhe

                2nd day Judit Lakó                              László Győri

                3rd day Attila Lajszner                      ZoltánKiss, Imre Veres

                4th day Csongor Kali                         Zoltán Kiss, Imre Veres




Start: Gábor Garbacz

Finish: Ferenc Szabad, László Molnár

Administration Office: Zoltán Fekete

Accommodation: Anita Sipos

Press, PR: Gyöngyvér Herzog

Children’s Race: Márta Marczis

Nursery: Mrs. Mákos

Music: István Nagy

Buffet: Tünde Fitala

Doctor: Family Doctor of Bükkszentkereszt



                10th July, Tuesday                12.00-22.00                Registration in Camp Hollóstető which operates

                                                as the even centre in the same tame.

                                                Terrain introduction

                                19.30-20.30       JWOC Official Opening Ceremony in the Castle of

                                                Diósgyőr in Miskolc

                11th July, Wednesday                9.00-12.30       JWOC Short Distance Qualifying Rounds

                                                Colour coded training possibilities

                                14.00-18.00       1th Day of Hungaria Cup, Classical Race

                12th July, Thursday                9.00-13.30       JWOC Short Distance Finals

                                                Colour coded training possibilities

                                14.00-14.30                Announcement of Hungaria Cup’s 1st day results

                                15.30-19.00       2nd Day of Hungaria Cup, Short Distance

                                20.00-22.00       Open-air music in the parking area of Bükkszentkereszt                                                 near the finish of the 3rd and 4th day

                13th July, Friday                8.00-12.00       3rd Day of Hungaria Cup, Short Distance

                                12.00-13.30                Announcement of Hungaria Cup’s

                                                2nd and 3rd day results

                                13.00-19.00       Colour coded training possibilities

                                9.00-17.00       JWOC Classical Race

                                19.00-22.00       Open-air music in the parking area of Bükkszentkereszt                                                 near the finish of the 3rd and 4th day

                14th July, Saturday                       JWOC day of rest

                                9.00-14.00       4th day of Hungaria Cup, Classical Race

                                14.00                Announcement of results

                                15.00-17.00       Park-competition in the Csanyik Valley in Miskolc

                15th July, Sunday                9.00-12.00       JWOC Relay Race



                Registration: ONLY on 10th July on Tuesday between 12.00-22.00 in the event centre in Camp Hollóstető. At least one person per each team should report every member on arrival. Modifications of registrations can only be accepted within the frameworks of the startlist!


                Registration fees on spot:                8.800.- Ft/4 days

                                                                                                M/W 10,12,14, Open Category 4.400.- Ft/4 days

                                                                                                Daily registration fees 2.200.- Ft/day

                                                                                                M/W 10,12,14, Open Category 1.500.- Ft/day


                Charges of SI sticks: 200.- Ft/person/day for everybody, which has to be paid on registration.


                Event centre opening hours: On 10th July between 12.00-22.00, on each competition day during the races in the finish area.


                Accommodation: Most of the accommodations were arranged privately, and confirmation has already been sent to those, who wanted bungalows or camping places in Camp Hollóstető, or in the Bükkszentkereszt Juvenile Camp. There will certainly be a last orientation at the registration about the division of the rooms. Money already paid for the accommodations was transferred to the places requested. Payment has to be made on arrival at the quarters by those, who have not paid yet. You can make it in the Bükkszentkereszt Camp by József Varga Tel: 00-36/(46)390-183, and by László Matiszcsák Tel 00-36/(46)390-204 in the Bükkszentkereszt Juvenile Camp.


                Training, Terrain Introduction: Maps of the terrain introduction and the trainings can be bought at the event centre on registration, and in the finish tent on each competition day at a price of 50.- Ft/piece.


                Location of the Races: Finish of the 1st and 2nd day is situated 2 km-s far from Camp Hollóstető in the direction of Eger (the finish of this year’s Borsod-Hermann). Finish of the 3rd and 4th day is going to be in Bükkszentkereszt, below the parking area in front of the cemetery, 3,5 km-s far from Camp Hollóstető. (See the outline-map of the programme brochure.)


                Parking: As Hollóstető Camp’s parking places are restricted, it is better to use the parking area of the hostel in Hollóstető by the registration. In the 1st and 2nd day cars can be parked in the meadow in front of the finish area. A parking place for buses will be pointed 1 km far from here, in front of the Rejtek House. Those who will be accommodated in Camp Hollóstető should approach the finish area on foot (2 km-s). The parking area of the 3rd and 4th day is going to be in the edge of Bükkszentkereszt village, below the cemetery, 300 m-s far from the finish area. 200.- Ft/day/car will be charged for parking. Bus parking is free of charge!!


                Local Transportation: We help to arrange local transportation on demand with the usage of the participating teams’ buses, but that has to be indicated in advance. Schedule of local buses is the following:

Miskolc - Bükkszentkerest

06,25 08,30 10,30 11,30 13,00 14,05 14,30 15,30 16,20 17,00 18,00 19,25 22,40

                Bükkszentkereszt - Miskolc

04,51 05,30 06,11 06,25 08,11 10,30 12,40 15,00 16,00 17,00 18,00 20,56



                „0” Times:    07.11.                14.00 Finish – Start                S11                300/0 m                S12                1760/70 m

                                07.12.                15.00 Finish – Start                S21                760/20 m                S22                1470/30 m

                                07.13.                8.00 Finish – Start                S31                1600/130 m             S32                2530/115 m

                                07.14.                9.00 Finish – Start                S41                1520/85 m             S42                1960/115 m


                Registration number: You must wear the registration number received by the registration distinctly visible on each day of the competition!


                Lost Competitors: All lost competitors must show up in the finish area, which can also be informed on the following telephone number: 30/9777-646. You can find this phone number on  every registration number too.


                Dressing: Tents for dressing are available in the finish area. Water for washing is provided also on the 1st and 2nd day from a car, and on the 3rd and 4th they from artesian wells.


                Refreshment: Refreshments are given to all competitors reaching the finish area.


                Children’s Race: Children’s races are organised on each competition day close to the finish area, which are free of charge and begin one hour after the „O” times. Registration is at the finish tent.


                Nursery: We operate a nursery on each competition day. Children can come when their parents are competing. It is going to be open during the races.


                Doctor: Doctor is available in the finish area.


                Terrain: The terrain is typical of the medium height mountains with its sharp relief reach in details, mainly with open matured forests, and with a road system of medium quality. Rocks and stones also can be found in some places.


                Map: On the 1st and 4th day the map is going to be a new map revised in 2000/2001 according to IOF standards with a scale of 1:15000/5m, such as in the categories of M/W 10, 12, 40-70, and Open Category, where however the scale of the map will be 1:10000/5m. On the 2nd and 3rd day the map will be a new one revised in 2000/2001 according to IOF standards with a scale of 1:10000/5m in each category. Description of the points will be given on the maps.


                Prizes: Medals and special prices will be given to the first 3 according to the 4 days’ summarised time results.


                Dining: A buffet with wide assortment will operate on each day in the finish area.


                Other dining possibilities:

                                - There is a small shop in Camp Hollóstető, and warm meals can also be ordered in advance at József                                                 Varga (Tel: 00-36/(46) 390-183), the leader of the camp

                                - Hollóstető Inn Tel: 00-36/(46) 390-163

                                - Hollóstető Hostel Tel: 00-36/(46) 712-003

                                - Bükkszentkereszt Juvenile Camp, three warm meals per day can be ordered in advance at the following                                               number: 00-36/(46)390-204

                                - Hotel Gabona Bükkszentkereszt Tel: 00-36/(46) 390-115

                                - Bükkszentkereszt Privát Inn Tel: 00-36/(46) 390-370

                                - Rorostány Restaurant Bükkszentkereszt Tel: 00-36/(46) 390-143


                Commercial activities are not allowed at the locations of the competition without the permission of the Organising Committee.